Thursday, September 11, 2008

We say, "Thank you." We say, "Please." We don't interrupt or tease. We don't argue. We don't fuss. We listen when folks talk to us. We share our toys and take our turn. Good manners aren't too hard to learn. It's really easy, when you find. Good manners means JUST BEING KIND!

We have been in school now for about 6 weeks and my class already has this poem memorized. We say it daily and we talk about it often. We practice using good manners. We role play and applaud good efforts made by our friends. Some days we forget the sharing part but on a whole.. they got it down. It is cute to hear them say, no you go ahead of me or I really like this doll but you can play with it today (actual things I heard today). I have been thinking on this all day since my class said it to me this morning. I wonder why it is so hard for some people to be kind? I wonder why people are so pushy and demand things be done their way. This world would be a much nicer place if people would just consider others feelings. I hope the kids in my class hold on to their sweet spirits. I hope that when they get bigger that this simple poem will enter into their mind and I hope that they choose to act kind to others even if it doesn't benefit them.
Since I am talking about my class,
I will share a little funny with you..

The water to our boys bathroom sink had to be turned off due to a clogged drain. The plumber can't come out to fix it until next week. The clog is to far down for one of our janitors to fix. So anyway.. a little guy comes running into the main room and says, "Ms. Teacher, your sink just ran out of water." How cute is that?

I made this a few months ago for some friends of mine but I am thinking a Halloweeny (is this a word?) Themed one would be really cute... These are so simple to make and everyone loves them. Have any of you ever made a candy cake?


Well like me, this blog is all over this place.. I hope everyone has had a fabulous week. I have had a blast peeking into each of your lives through all your blogs. Happy Friday!

Bring on the weekend!!

Check out this contest @ Tiffany's site. You could win a epson picturemate.. printer. How fun.


  1. Aww, I love that poem! I bet it's so rewarding to see what you teach them be put into action. Molding young minds!

  2. Enjoy your little sweeties in your classroom! I love the poem also!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I love the candy cake! (My boys would rather have that than a birthday cake, so I will have to keep that in mind for next year.)

    And the kindness poem is so precious.....out of the mouths of babes.:) We could all use more of that in our lives.

    I hope that you have a lovely weekend too!

    God Bless!

  4. Wow..what a cute poem! I use to teach 2nd grade and loved it! I love that candy is full of so many yummy goodies!

    -Sandy Toes

  5. Okay, I want a candy cake right this very minute!!! Will you share with us how to make them?!?! That is absolutely adorable! You are so creative.

    And your class is adorable. Looks like you're doing a fab job with them.

  6. Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I love the poem you are teaching your students...what a great reminder for us too! I think the candy cake is too cute! How did you make that???

  7. I've enjoyed reading your posts this morning. That poem sounds adorable and so educational at the same time.

    I've seen diaper cakes, but never a candy cake like that. So cute!

    Thanks for stopping by my little home on the web. Hope you'll visit again soon!

  8. That is such a cute poem!! It is absolutely wonderful you are teaching them good manners. I love their little comments you have heard them make!!

  9. You teach kids that little? You really are a sainted woman!

  10. Ok, LOVE the candy cake. How do you make them?

  11. That tower of candy looks divine - can you make one and send it to me??? haha just kidding!

    Have a great weekend.

  12. Cute poem!!

    I have never seen one of these candy cakes before but a Halloween one would be cute!

    UCA was fun!

  13. They are just precious! And I agree with you about the kindness thing. :)

    Your super-creative candy cake looks yummy! Make me one? You'll leave out all the calories, right?

    Happy weekend!

  14. Wow, that's the best candy cake ever!!! I want one! (o:

    Thanks for sharing the kindness poem - I loved that!

  15. a candy cake??! Why have I never heard of this?! Make me one, pretty please :) :)

  16. Ok.. first of all that poem is so adorable! Secondly, I have never heard or made a candy cake but want to now that I saw yours. How fun is that? Would you be willing to share a how-to on your blog or to me by email?

  17. I wish someone would make me a candy cake...even though I cant eat

  18. Kids say the sweetest things. I hope you have a good weekend.

  19. thanks for stopping by the blog...but I am deadly serious, that really is Coach. I swear on my childrens' lives!

  20. Thanks for popping by my blog hun! You are so sweet! As for the little pumpkins~ I found them in various local shoppes (St Louis area) a few years ago. Wish I could find more~ I love them, too! I love your class poem. I am going to pass that on to a gf of mine who is a teacher. Also, the candy cake? I WANT ONE! Love it! I will have to make a mental note about that nifty creation! TGIF~ Les

  21. Hi! I used to teach with Yeah, except for not (Jamee), and I found your blog through her and I found myself laughing out loud to your blog tonight, which I needed! If you don't mind my befriending you, that would be awesome!

  22. That is the sweetest poem...and yes the world would be a better place if we all took it to heart!

    I love the candy cake...I never saw one before...super cute!

    I saw your comment on my blog...I use Flickr for my photos. It is very simple, you can store, organize and edit all in one is also very blog friendly!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  23. Hey! I teach third grade in Missouri. It is a small, rural school, which it looks like that is what you said you work in right now. I love it! This is my third year and I think this is the year that I have so far enjoyed the most. It IS only the end of week three though! Haha!

  24. Great poem and a very good looking class, Miss Teacher ;)

    I love that!! And that candy cake...yeah, that wouldn't be around long enough to become a finished product in my house. YUM!!

    Thanks for visiting - Have a great weekend.

  25. I absolutely love the candy cake, what a neat idea. My 13 year old would love it. Your little kitty is so cute. I love cats, but have a dog. My hubby is allergic to cats and we found a doggie who is half cocker and half poodle and doesn't shed. She's very neurotic, but she's in the right house!

  26. Hi there! I wanted to stop by and thank you for your comment on my blog. Love that candy cake, how cute! Wish I could eat some ;-)

  27. I know of some adults who could use that, it's a great poem!

  28. thank you for stopping by my blog. i hope you come again. I think your blog is fantastic.
    If you like my daycare diaries, you should check out the Mama's Losin' It link on my sidebar. She is way funnier than I am (and I stole the name from her).

  29. That poem is really cute! I bet the kids love you. :)

    And I've never made a candy cake, but thanks for the sudden craving. ;)

  30. Wow. The candy cake is AMAZING.

    Thanks for stopping by. The printer was an amazing giveaway, wasn't it?

  31. I love your poem. It's so good for kids to learn manners and respect.
    I think I told you I taught kindergarten at a Christian school for 17 years? Fun, fun, fun!
    I always had a funny story to bring home to the family.
    I'm sorry I still haven't done my tag of 6 things about me.
    I'm slow, but one of these days I'll surprise you.
    That candy cake is too cute. How fun would that be to get that?
    Have a good week!

  32. I think it's wonderful you are teaching your class manners. If only there were more teachers/parents/adults like you!

  33. I want a candy cake!!! yummy!

    Maybe I should have a candy cake instead of a wedding cake :)

  34. you're a crafting genius. I am SO going to use that idea!


A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.